Read the 2019 Peer Review Process Overview.
Files for the Peer Review Process are available through Use the Peer Review Login Portal to access everything you need to complete the process.
If you are having trouble logging in, contact Mason Canales at CAPCOG.
Use the Peer Review Login Portal to access the following documents.
- Letter from EDA Austin Regional Office
- Project Concept & Overview of the process
- Pre-Review Submittal Checklist
- Peer Review Assessment Tool
- Feedback Form
- Administrative Activity Documentation
- NADO Travel Policy
- NADO Expense Form
I. The first step in the Peer Review Process is to complete the Peer Review Survey. Complete the survey before Oct. 18, 2019.
II. Your organization than can then use the Peer Review Login Portal to submit your documents into your organization’s folder on Include: the self-assessment and other EDA required documents.
III. SWREDA will then match your organization with a peer organization. Matches to sent in Mid-November.
IV. Your organization will begin Peer Reviews at 8 a.m., December 4th, coinciding with the SWREDA Annual Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico in an “exchange” format for a good conversation with your peer and EDA-AURO.
V. Finally, your organization will submit your review of the Peer EDD and send NADO your receipts and forms for partial reimbursement.
SWREDA now partners with NADO for the annual conference, peer reviews, and other SWREDA functions. Participants for some of these functions may seek reimbursement for some travel costs directly related to a qualified activity such as peer reviews. All reimbursement requests must be made based on NADO’s travel policies and using its expense form.